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A wide range of UV LEDs are available for easy purchase in our web store.

We offer Violumas advantaged UV-LED products – all with high performance and reliability at an affordable cost. Along with our sglux UV sensors and probes, Boston Electronics now offers the UV industry the best of breed UV detection and light sources.

An ideal replacement for mercury lamps, UV-LEDs can be custom designed for a myriad of applications.

  • UVA/B/C LEDs

    • Available wavelengths: 255, 265, 275, 280, 285, 295, 310, 325, 340, 365, 375, 385, 395 and 405 nm.
  • SMD packaging

    • 3.5, 5.2 and 7.2mm
  • Chip on Board (COB)

    • with connectors
    • star boards
    • light bars
    • standard 1X1, 2X2, 3X3 and 4X4 arrays
    • VioBeam – ultra-narrow beam
    • custom arrays
  • Focusing lenses:

    • 10 (VioBeam), 30, 60, 90, 120 and 135 degrees
  • Matched heat sinks and drivers

  • Quick-Start Application Sets – LED, Heat Sink and Driver

UV LED Matrix - Catalog and Buy Links

Wavelength (nm)Catalog/Data SheetsSee Product Line - Web Store
All ProductsSee Main CatalogBuy
255See CatalogBuy
265See CatalogBuy
275See CatalogBuy
295See CatalogBuy
310See CatalogBuy
325See CatalogBuy
340See CatalogBuy
365See CatalogBuy
375See CatalogBuy
385See CatalogBuy
395See CatalogBuy
405See CatalogBuy
Heat SinksSee Catalog
DriversSee CatalogBuy
Application SetsSee CatalogBuy
Custom ArraysSee CatalogContact Us


Ultraviolet Disinfection Technology

(Courtesy of AquiSense)

Ultraviolet (UV) disinfection technology has been the star performer in water and air treatment over the past two decades, due in part to its ability to provide treatment without the use of harmful chemicals.

UV represents wavelengths that fall between visible light and x-ray on the electromagnetic spectrum. The UV range can be further divided into UV-A, UV-B, UV-C, and Vacuum-UV. The UV-C portion represents wavelengths from 200 nm – 280 nm, the wavelength used in our LED disinfection products.

UV-C photons penetrate cells and damage the nucleic acid, rendering them incapable of reproduction, or microbiologically inactive. This process occurs in nature; the sun emits UV rays that perform this way.

UV-LED are used to generate high levels of UV-C photons. The rays are directed at viruses, bacteria and other pathogens within water and air, or on surfaces to render those pathogens harmless in seconds.

Attribute Conventional Mercury Lamp UV-C LED Product Implication
Mercury Content 20-200 mg None Safe disposal – no special handling
Lifetime 5,000 – 15,000 hours 10,000 hours Flexible operation
On/Off Cycles Max. 4 per day Unlimited Intermittent-flow friendly
Warm-up Time Up-to 15 minutes Instantaneous Extended replacement intervals
Operating Surface Temp. 100-600° C Same as process water Zero-flow friendly does not promote fouling
Architecture Cylindrical tube Point source Versatile implementation
Durability Fragile glass tube Rugged semiconductor Versatile operation
Wavelength Polychromatic (200-300nm) Monochromatic (254 nm) Selectable (250-300nm) No wasted energy & targeted performance
Power Supply 110-240V AC 6-30V DC Battery/Solar option
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