QCLs are available in a range of packaging options depending upon your application and set-up. Packages provide appropriate electrical, optical, mechanical and thermal interfaces for your particular device.
Chip on Carrier
Laser chips from Alpes Lasers can be mounted on a variety of sub-mounts:
- The NS sub-mount is a standard copper sub-mount that can be mounted in a HHL or LLH
housing or a variety of third party housings. The NS sub-mount is typically attached mechanically (e.g. using screws) to a heatsink. The NS sub-mount can hold single or twin laser chips.
- The HP-GS sub-mount is a larger copper sub-mount that is used only for high-power lasers.
- The AN sub-mount is an aluminium nitride thin sub-mount with a metallized back-contact. It can be mounted in a HHL or TO-3 housing. A laser on AN sub-mount can also be mounted onto a NS-like copper sub-mount to form the AN-NSP sub-mount.
LLH (Laboratory Laser Housing)
The LLH housing is the perfect housing for research applications. With easy laser exchange and compatibility with Alpes Lasers’ Starter Kit, it is the most versatile housing available.
- TE cooler inside, minimum temperature <-30°C
- Laser power supply by low impedance line from LDD100
- Exchangeable laser sub mount (NS or ST).
- Direct voltage measurement on the laser connection, AC coupled.
- Pt100 temperature measurement.
- Needs air or water cooling (water tubing not included)
- Temperature stabilization, compatible with TC-3
- Can support both CW and pulsed lasers
HHL (High Heat Load)
The HHL housing is a sealed collimated housing for CW or pulsed lasers. It is ideal for short-run integration and use in difficult environments.
- Size : 44.5 mm x 31.7 mm x 19 mm
- Sealed Package
- Base to be attached on flat heatsink surface using M3 screws
- Peltier cooled laser-stage inside, temperature differential up to 60°C
- Anti-reflection coated ZnSe protective window
- Internal lens
- Collimated beam, divergence < 6 mrad
- Pt100 or NTC temperature measurement.
- Needs cool backplate.
- Support lasers with dissipation < 12 W on NS, AN or AN-NSP mounts
- Pigtail mount for single mode fiber coupling
TO3 Package
Pulsed lasers are available in TO3 cans, which are smaller and less power-intensive than the HHL packages. TO3 cans are sealed and the beam is collimated.
- Size : 38.8 mm x 25.4 mm x 20.5 mm
- Small-size, low dissipation for OEM applications
- Pulsed lasers or low-dissipation CW laser with < 3 W dissipation only
Bare Chips
Bear chips can be supplied if you have a specialized need. Call our application support to discuss, 617-566-3821